limited time tour - before it changes
new original artwork by michele luminato
Tour the recentVirtual OPEN STUDIO.
Gain access to my recent Virtual open studio & and get early access to artworks released only available here!

the studio is now open
TOUR my recent OPEN STUDIO to see what inspired me to create my latest artwork. in addition, gain early exclusive access to artwork when it’s released not seen anywhere else. I always come out with new artwork and this is the place to see it before it is released anywhere else.
I hope you are well during these uncertain times. I don’t know if you’re like me, but I miss seeing people like I used to. Although I can’t see you in person, I have made my studio especially accessible right now. I’ve never opened up about my art like this before – but it seems like a good time.
Art has changed me, and not just as a creator. But for what art does to my heart. It has opened it up and healed me in so many ways.
I want to share that with you here. Unlock videos that explain the inspiration, and new collections.
Be quick as I always release new work, and the open studio changes with the next body of work.
have a closer look.
access parts of the studio.
After the big success from my first virtual open studio, I am now opening the door so you can visit my studio from the comfort of your home. This open studio will most likely change every two weeks as I release new work. I am releasing limited geometric paintings this year, so if you're keen to collect a piece this is the time. you’ll be the first notified as new peices are released.
It’s real, vulnerable, and raw. You can watch my welcome video on the next page and get access to the current work and inspiration right now.